Get Involved with Passion to Paycheck!

Passion to Paycheck is about capitalizing on your gifts! At whatever level serves you, use what you’ve built to become more involved!

Level 1: Passionista (o’s) Media Group:

Requirement: Social Platform Posts in Promotional Lead-Up to annual event! (Materials to be provided.) This is a commitment at minimum of one or more social media posts & 10 stories through the promotional period, LIVE event & Post-Event (Around 2 months span.)

Get Involved: This group receives Complimentary Perks, Access to Invitation Only Meet-Ups/Speaker Previews & LOTS OF LOVE. (Complimentary Entry to Event & Separate Gifting) ** NOTE: The VIP Group is on an approval basis: Priority given to those who have *attended a previous Passion to Paycheck, who are in the Private Facebook Community or who have *Passionistas involvement! That being said- we’d LOVE TO MEET YOU & Welcome NEW MEMBERS!
NOTE: Follower count/audience is not numerically relevant; instead- we want to hear about your world & goals for this media group!) Approval is based on space and availability 🙂

Fill out the questionnaire below:

Media Passionista Group Alerts Advisory Bboard & Eevents Questionaire/Application


Level 2: Passion to Paycheck Officials:

All of the above perks, plus real-time involvement with production of the event, team meetings, opportunity to create activations & partnerships to help build your brand as well as expand Passion to Paycheck, which is helping so many do the same! Hands on experience with partners, speakers, team members and more: Learn the ins and out of marketing and add this annual Main Stream Mediagiant to your bios and resumes too ;). Join the team!

Interested? Please leave your contact information below & we will be in touch 🙂

Note: This process is also based on space and availability & we look forward to chatting!


Level 3: Passion to Paycheck Exec Officials: Board:

This level comes from personal referral and growth, involvement & at minimum, one year of experience with the brand. *Will take place via personal conversation & communication with Board of Directors. NOTE: This process is typically sequential!


Level 4: Passion to Paycheck Board of Directors:

*** MEET OUR BOARD MEMEBRS: Clare Mckee & Jazmyn Andersen

That would be the Passion to Paycheck VIP MEMBERSHIP. Though event entry is included, this membership is a year-round accountability and performance portal for bosses wanting to take their dream-life to the next level! Learn more HERE.